The benefits of soft skills training can be hard to measure, but new research reveals that it can bring substantial return on investment to employers while also benefiting employees.
Dylan Walsh
MIT Sloan School of Management
Executives now consider soft skills important to fostering employee retention, improving leadership, and building a meaningful culture. In fact, 92 percent of respondents rated soft skills as a critical priority.
Deloitte’s 2016
Global Human Capital Trends report
Occupations that prioritise soft skills are expected to account for two-thirds of all jobs in Australia by 2030.
Australian HR Institute
The biggest skills gap I see in the United States is soft skills. … What most employers want are written communication, oral communication, team-building, and leadership skills.
Jeff Weiner
LinkedIn CEO
While soft skills have always been important tools for managers, now employers are finding them more important than ever before.”
Paul McDonald
Executive at Robert Half
“A recent LinkedIn Survey of 291 hiring managers found 58% say the lack of soft skills among candidates is limiting their company’s productivity”.